In the past year, having gotten curious about academic research around organizational learning (in general Peter Senge's work, Harvard OD group and Society of Organizationl learning), I ended up coming acros Chris Argyris' work in each of the paths.

Have been reading Reasons and Rationalizations & Flawed advise and management trap, since then. Not easy reads I admit. But the rewards were rich. The concepts on action science seemed to uncover all the defensive routines that organizations and people unknowingly fall into, that inhibit learning. Argyris' other concepts I came acorss:

1. Espoused theory and Theory in use - Model I and Model II
2. Double loop, Deutero learning
3. Ladder of inference / Right-hand-left-hand technique to uncover assumptions
4. Defensive routines: teaching smart people how to learn 
5. Productive conversations/dialogue/Bohm - balancing enquiry and advocacy etc (more of Senge's work here)

Since then, have been frantically looking around for proponents, courses and seminars on this topic. They seem few and far between (especially in India). With what little is at my disposal, am trying to put together some exercises, especially around Ladder of inference/RHLH dialogues, using the classic movie - 12 angry men. Would be great if we can share other similar methods, cases that illiustrate these concepts.

24/4/2012 12:55:38 am

Nice info bro

12/7/2012 03:41:02 pm

Thanks for information


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